Yomimono #16 – now available!

My story "I did not mean to sell you" is now available in Yomimono, edited by Suzanne Kamata and published from Japan. ____________________ Society of Writers, Editors and Translators|SWET May 26, 2012 Yomimono 16 Just Published Yomimono - 16 (Volume 16) [Paperback] New Japanese-based and expat writing from one of Japan's top literary publications. Contributors include Marcus Bird (Author), Jane Joritz-Nakagawa (Author), Yoko Danno (Author), David Galef (Author), Namita Hiro (Author), Sushma Joshi (Author), Jean Toyama (Author), Ayako Miura (Author), Suzanne Kamata (Author, Editor), Deborah Davidson (Translator), Michelle Zacharias (Cover Design) Published by CreateSpace May 24, 2012, now available in Japan from SWET Member Suzanne Kamata , as well as in the USA.