Narratives on Art and Nature

H.E Finn Thilsted, Ambassador of Denmark inaugurated a reading on Narratives on Art and Nature, at 4:00 pm in Gallery 32 @ Dent Inn, Heritage Plaza, Kamaladi.
Narratives on Art and Nature is a compilation of short articles by four writers based in Nepal writing on the themes of art and nature. During the event Sushma Joshi, Rabi Thapa and Pranab Man Singh read pieces they wrote for the compilation.
Narratives on Art and Nature was published by Quixote’s Cove and the reading was organized by Gallery 32 and Quixote’s Cove.
The readings started with a short reflection by H.E. Finn Thilsted on the art event, Trees: Artifacts of Nature, organized by Quixote’s Cove on 3rd March 2009 at the GTZ Office gardens in Sanepa. Narratives on Art and Nature is an attempt to establish a unique Nepali narrative for art and nature. It was published and launched during the art event, Trees: Artifacts of Nature. The exhibition, Trees: Artifacts of Nature, runs at Gallery 32 till 30th March 2009.