
Showing posts from August, 2013

Loterii: Sushma Joshi – The End Of The World (The Mammoth Book of Apocalyptic SF, 2010)

  Näide nepaali ulmest ehk siis lugu sellest, kuidas lihtsad nepaallased saavad korraga kaljukindlalt teada, et maailmalõpp saabub homme kell 11. Seda räägitakse televisiooniski. Kui nii, siis nii. Midagi uut siin maailmas, ja kui lõpp käes, siis võib eelnevalt kõhu korralikult heast-paremast täis süüa ja järgmisel päeval tööle või kooli mitte minna. Mis maailmalõpu põhjustab, ei osatagi täpselt öelda, on see siis täistabamuse saanud Jupiteri plahvatuse tagajärjel Maad tabav kosmoseprügi, või siis tegi Nepaali president midagi valesti ja häbistas pöördumatult nepaallasi. Kes teab. Igal juhul, täis kõhuga on mõnusam lõppu kogeda. Ja sellele vastu vaielda ei saa ega oska. No pole just kivikõva lugu ja ulmeline element pole ehk eesmärk omaette rahvusliku koloriidi kõrval, ent samas päris humoorikas pilguheit sealsesse külaühiskonda ja olupoliitilistesse reaaliatesse. Click here for Loterii:

The Lotus Singers, edited by Trevor Carolan: Review by Dani Torres

Dani Torres reviews "The Lotus Singers" and my short story "Law and Order": "In "Law and Order" Bishnu looks out of his window overlooking a garden which is filled with earthly delights.  Literally.  After a failed attempt, and the loss of both his front teeth, at joining the British Gurkha Army (a job which would have offered him both distinction and security), he becomes a policeman in the small community of Naxal.  The recruits are given small living quarters called cells but not very generous helpings at mealtime.  As a matter of fact there are only three ways to supplement their food rations: stealing from the officers' mess, intimidating shopkeepers or hoping your family will send food from home.  Bishnu begins dreaming of food and of the beautiful daughters who live in the house below, combining the vegetables in the garden with the women in the house in rather fanciful combinations.  If only there wasn't a wall keeping h...

"End of the World" in Chinese: 世界末日

And in case you really feel like reading my story in simplified Chinese , here's the link. I have been assured on good authority that this is a good translation.   _______________________ Since websites have a way of closing down, I decided to cut and paste the Chinese text here as well. With thanks to the translator at! 世界末日 有一天,人人都在议论一件事,一个伟大博学的大萨杜(哲人)预言:一场毁灭性的自然灾难即将降临地球,全球人口半数以上的将在这场灾难---一场突如其来的大火---中丧生。这则消息甚至刊登在了报纸上。迪勒正在前往施工工地的途中,他听到一个人大肆宣扬药草对阳萎的疗效,便停下脚步。他侧目一看,发现成群结队的山羊正被赶往绿茵地上汇集。便问道:“这是怎么回事?”。人们告诉他:“大家都在买肉,以便大难临头之前美美地大吃一顿。” 迪勒,裹挟在这个为世界的末日做准备的大潮中,也走进商店买了一公斤羊肉。在回家的路上,他顺便走进戈帕尔.科特的商店,店里所有的人都盯着他手里的报纸包裹的羊肉看,包裹已经被血水浸透了。 “有什么大喜事,戴?你在提前庆祝今年的德赛节?”他们调侃道。于是,迪勒告诉他们人们是如何排队买羊肉的, 杜迪格尔城里的屠夫们的生意有多么兴隆。人们想抓住最后的机会热闹一番,于是所有的人都决定买一些肉,准备享受临死前的最后一餐。 萨努坎卡在一条小巷深处开了一家牛奶店。他说,他那一大家子116人,全部准备呆在家里,以便第二天早上升起七颗太阳把地球烤成一片焦土的时候,所有的人都能死在一起。比卡萨,在迪斯尼英语学校找到工作后,便从一个阿瓦拉浪子变成了认真负责的年轻老师。据他说,有许多孩子要求世界末日那天停课离校,最后学校不得不宣布全校放假。古帕尔布科特在机场工作的姐姐告诉他,尼泊尔皇家航空公司所有的座位均被预订一空,人们希望逃脱世界末日那天的灾难。 那天晚上, 迪勒手中拿着用萨尔叶包裹的那一...