My writings in school curricula
My short stories have found their way to school curricula and teaching syllabi worldwide.
"The Prediction" is part of the syllabus for MA students at Shivaji University, India.
SHIVAJI UNIVERSITY, KOLHAPUR Syllabus for M. A. English Programme (Choice Based Credit System with Internal Evaluation) To be introduced from June 2017 (for Regular Students) To be introduced from June 2018 (for Distance mode Students)

History of St Mary College
St. Mary College, officially Nunoike Gaigo Senmon Gakko, was established in 1987, with the approval of the Aichi Prefectural government. According to Article 1 of the Japanese School Education Law, a Senmon Gakko is identified as a technical college not connected to a university. It is defined further as an institution in which students develop/improve skills needed for a vocation, jis-sai sei-katsu (life in society).
The Senmon Gakko system was established in 1976 and the Japanese School Educational Law defines the purpose of a Senmon Gakko as "developing the necessary ability to live in society and/or to be able to work well at one's job and to enhance the level of the students' culture" (Article 82-2). Accordingly, education at the Senmon Gakko level is divided into three sections: a) knowledge, techniques, and skills for life, b) cultural education and c) job training skills provider.
In accordance with Japanese law and the founder of the college's ideals, St. Mary College's overall aim is to provide the highest quality English education and life training available through content-based academic and four-skills instruction, business classes and career training programs as outlined by the Fundamental Law of Education and the School Education Law. St. Mary College is committed to the highest standards of education and integrity possible in order to be of the greatest benefit to the local community it serves.
Here is the link to the speech contest:
In 2012, the education board of the Tasmanian government used the short story "Cheese" in an exam paper.
In 2005, short story "Cheese" was published in an English book for 8th graders in the Phillippines.
The publishing house is:
JFC Publishing House, Inc.
105 Gremville Subd.
Tandang Sora, Quezon City 1116